Quality Products at Competitive Prices
Morgan Fire Protection Ltd is one of the largest purchasers of fire protection equipment in the UK. The company works with trusted suppliers to ensure customers benefit from quality products at competitive prices with manufacturer’s guarantees. Please contact Morgan Fire by email to servicedesk@morganfire.co.uk for a no-obligation quotation providing your location and quantities required.

Portable fire extinguishers, fire blankets, stands and accessories are available for delivery as single items or larger orders.

Document cabinet and log book are available to purchase and can be installed by technicians at the same time as your servicing is carried out.

Wireless fire alarms typically work as an addressable system, just without the wires, and are most suitable for premises such as construction sites and historic buildings where cables are intrusive
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To view the online flipbook version of our fire protection for the construction industry guide, please click on the flipbook below.
Please call Morgan Fire on 0800 0856381 for a quotation. As a major buyer of UK fire safety equipment and signage we can offer your company competitive prices and an efficient delivery and installation service.