The Responsible Person (see fire risk assessment section of this site for definition of this role) is required to carry out or appoint competent persons to carry out the following functions. The information below is provided for general guidance and is not intended to be a replacement for the detailed recommendations included within British Standard. Fire extinguishers that are not maintained to the standard are no longer considered compliant.
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Service | Service interval | British Standard & notes |
PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS | ANNUAL SERVICING of all makes of portable extinguisher to include external visual inspection, checking of weight, label and instructions. Servicing according to extinguisher type (stored pressure or cartridge operated). Rectification of defects. Recording of service date. Discharge testing is to be carried out at the stipulated intervals. | Installation, inspection and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers carried out for all makes of extinguisher to BS5306 Part 3. Work is carried out by qualified engineers following established risk assessments and method statements. Morgan Fire is approved by BAFE to inspect and maintain portable fire extinguishers. Our Service Department will remind you when your annual service is due and make the necessary arrangements for an engineer to visit. |
PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS | VISUAL INSPECTION Guidance to customers: Ref BS5306-3:2017 visual inspection by the responsible person, clause 11.2. It is recommended that regular visual inspections of all portable fire extinguishers be carried out by the user or user's representative. The frequency of inspections by the user should be not less than monthly and, when circumstances require, inspections should be carried out more frequently. | "Clause 11.2 The competent person should advise the responsible person to carry out visual inspections of all extinguishers at regular intervals. This advice should include the following instructions. a) These visual inspections should be carried out at least once a month. When circumstances require, inspections should be carried out more frequently. NOTE 1 Fire legislation ([1] to [3]) and its associated Guidance Notes suggest that good practice is to determine whether the extinguisher has been operated and to check for damage on a monthly basis. b) When carrying out these visual inspections, it should be ensured that: 1) each extinguisher is correctly located in its designated place; 2) each extinguisher is unobstructed and visible; 3) the operating instructions of each extinguisher are clean and legible and face outwards; 4) each extinguisher has not been operated and is not obviously damaged or has any missing parts; 5) the reading of any pressure gauge is within the green zone; 6) any indicator fitted to an extinguisher is within operational and safety limits; 7) the tamper indicators of each extinguisher are not broken or missing. c) The responsible person should record the results (e.g. in a fire logbook) of these visual inspections and arrange for corrective action, where necessary, by a competent person. In the event of doubt, the responsible person should arrange for a competent person to examine the extinguisher. NOTE 2 Responsible persons have obligations under fire legislation ([1] to [3]) to ensure that extinguishing equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in good working order and in good repair. examine the extinguisher. " |
The period between visits to undertake inspection and service should be based upon a risk assessment but the maximum period between visits should not exceed six months.
WEEKLY TESTING BY USER & recording in log book Test a manual call point during working hours. Each week, a different manual call point should be tested. Voice alarm systems should be tested. |
Servicing of fire alarm systems is carried out in accordance with BS5839 Part 1: 2017. If the system is connected to an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC), it is very important that the ARC is notified before testing and when it is completed. |
The ‘responsible person’ must appoint competent persons to supervise and maintain the system.
Emergency lighting testing and servicing is carried out in accordance with BS5266: 2016. Routine inspection and tests should be carried out at a time when the risk is a minimum. Users with a test switch should carry out a monthly test and the results of short duration tests recorded. |
DRY RISER TESTING | FULL ANNUAL PRESSURE TEST and SIX MONTHLY VISUAL CHECK to the current British Standard Code of Practice. Six monthly visual test - any missing or damaged items are replaced. Dry and wet risers are pressure tested annually to 150 PSL or 12 bar for a minimum of 15 minutes. All inlets and outlets are checked for leaks and any missing or faulty items replaced. If any valves have to be replaced a further pressure test will be carried out before certification is issued. Private hydrant test - For premises with hydrants on site, annual testing of the flow meter rates and carry out a visual inspection of the location, H plate, cover and frost valve, pits and frames. | BS9990:2015 requires a full annual pressure test and six monthly visual check for dry risers for buildings above 18 metres and below 60 metres. Clause 7 of the Code states that inlets, landing valves, drain valves and landing valve boxes should be inspected every 6 months and recommends that wet tests be carried out annually when the main can be checked for leaks. Work is carried out using one of our own dry riser testing appliances. |
PORTABLE APPLIANCE TESTING | The IEE Code of Practice recognises four test situations. 1. Type testing to an appropriate standard 2. Production testing 3. In-Service testing 4. Testing after repair In-Service testing carried out as a routine to determine whether the equipment is in a satisfactory condition. In-Service testing will involve the following: (a) Preliminary inspection (b) Earth continuity tests (for Class 1 equipment) (c) Insulation testing (Which may sometimes be substituted by earth leakage measurement) (d) Functional checks. | The combination of the The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998 and The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 places responsibility on the employer to ensure that electrical equipment in work situations are inspected and tested. The scope extends from distribution systems down to a small piece of equipment. Electrical testing should be performed by a person who is competent in the safe use of the test equipment and who knows how to interpret the test results obtained. This person must be capable of inspecting the equipment and, where necessary, dismantling it to check the cable connections. |
SPRINKLER SYSTEMS | Weekly testing of all water and air pressure gauges, and the motor alarm test should be sounded for at least 30 seconds. Pumps should be checked for fuel and oil levels. Battery electrolyte levels and density should be tested. Servicing by a competent person to current standards should be carried out SIX MONTHLY for commercial and ANNUALLY for domestic or residential where pumps are not fitted. | Work carried out by contractors approved to LPS 1048-1:Issue 4.1 for sprinkler systems which are designed, installed and serviced to the installation standards listed in the LSP 1048-1 scheme document. |