Effective from the 1st of November 2024, the legal entity of Victory Fire Limited (02694384) integrated into Morgan Fire Protection Limited (02002176), transferring all contracts of sale, purchase and employment and liabilities from the Victory Fire legal entity into Morgan Fire Protection.

Why Morgan Fire Protection?

With over 30 years’ experience each serving customers across the UK, both Morgan Fire Protection, established in 1986, and Victory Fire, established in 1992, have independently proven themselves as market-leading fire protection providers in our target markets.

The range of solutions Victory Fire provide, and our expertise in Fire Alarms, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Risk Assessments, and Fire Training is complementary to the Morgan Fire service offering.

By uniting the capabilities and resources of Victory Fire and Morgan Fire as a consolidated entity, our customers will benefit from a more extensive range of capabilities and services across the range of sectors in which we operate.

Our customers will also have access to a wider team of engineering resource, allowing us to provide an enhanced service resulting in improved customer satisfaction.

What will remain the same?

• Our adherence to our agreed contractual obligations, SLAs and pricing remain unaffected.

• Our insurance cover and commitment to health, safety and quality will continue unaffected.

• Our certification and accreditations will be novated as required, complementary to the existing certification held by Morgan Fire.

• Our people (including your day to day contacts), delivering and administering our services to our customers will stay the same.

• We will retain our offices in Purfleet and the same dedicated engineers will continue to provide the quality service we are known for.

• Our compliance with the invoicing processes under our agreements will remain the same.

This new chapter is an exciting step for our business and we look forward to exploring the new opportunities that Morgan Fire can offer. If you have any questions, or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our Integration Team via integration@morganfire.co.uk